SalvageApp - A web application focused on the marine claims sector

The bMC GROUP operate a tailored web application for the marine claims sector. SalvageApp takes advantage of the decades of marine claims experience across the bMC GROUP from claims handling to technical expertise. The application aims to give bMC GROUP clients a real improvement in the information available throughout a marine claims incident. The development team continue to work hard to ensure that SalvageApp delivers exactly that.

If you are involved in the marine insurance claims sector, we would be pleased to give you more insight into the efficiencies that SalvageApp can bring to your organization. SalvageApp is complimentary for clients of the bMC GROUP.


Incidents involving ships and sea freight can involve many and diverse parties, from the Owner to the National Authority. Even a minor incident can generate hundreds of emails, countless reports and dozens of estimations. Establishing and then satisfying the requirements of the various involved parties is difficult. Getting the right information to the right people at the right time sometimes feels an impossible task. We are dedicated to proactively finding solutions for our clients, so back in 2019 we decided to change that.

SalvageApp is the result - an intuitive product that addresses some of the key challenges in the marine claims sector – communications and transparency. The web-based application provides the parties involved in an incident, with an easy to use platform delivering efficiencies of information flow. A key benefit for clients of the bMC GROUP is the visibility over many aspects of a project. In one location, the parties involved can find information such as; progress reports, oversight on costs incurred, forecasts of future costs and oversight of the project schedule.

The bMC GROUP are proud to offer SalvageApp to the marine claims sector and to our loyal clients. If you believe that you or your organisation would benefit from improved quality and flow of information during a marine claims incident,

get in touch today!

zur Startseite
  • Fast, intuitive access to pertinent information
  • Forecast upcoming costs based on current spend allowing genuine cost control
  • Monitor project schedule against baseline timeline
  • Assess, review and manage risk in a collaborative environment

SalvageApp Modules

Like all good technology, SalvageApp is constantly evolving. SalvageApp and individual modules will be developed and improved for years to come to meet user demand and industry expectations.

Module usage and access is tailored for each project according to the specific needs.

The modules currently available in SalvageApp are:


Just as you would expect, the overview module is the summary of each project and the launch pad for the remainder of your project.

The Overview module:

  • aims to give the user quick and efficient access to the headline information for each project
  • shows highlights and displays key project information
  • gives clients a quick insight into estimated and actual costs


Marine casualty cases can run for weeks or months. During that time, it’s easy to lose track of all the updates. The Reporting module gives the user oversight and control of updates issued by bMC.

The Reporting module:

  • provides users a single and comprehensive record for all daily progress reports, sitreps and photo updates issued by bMC throughout the project
  • maintains all updates in one easy to access location for maximum efficiency
  • allows users to search for previous updates, download or print each update
  • allows users to alter their individual settings giving them the choice to receive updates or just have them automatically stored on SalvageApp to reference later

Cost sheet

Marine casualty cases are often very complex in terms of the size and scope of the costs incurred. As part of our project management role, bMC are often requested by clients to oversee the cost sheet aspect where over a hundred line items is commonplace.

The cost sheet module:

  • provides users access to bMC’s tailor made solution to one of the biggest and longest running headaches in our sector – cost transparency
  • gives a headline overview which can be further interrogated to understand the phase, cost groups or individual costs in more detail
  • is live and interactive, allowing users to question and comment on costs for clearer understanding
  • provides users the confidence that they are always working on the latest version


In longer term projects, once the basics are understood, attention soon turns to another big question; How long will it take? Well, bMC don’t like to make arbitrary guesses. We prefer to work on a realistic analysis of the project timeline. So, SalvageApp contains a straightforward Gantt based planning tool to allow just that.

The Gantt module:

  • provides a quick and easy reference resource to allow straightforward monitoring of planned versus actual progress.
  • allows contractors to input their planning assumptions in the Gantt module on the basis of standard project steps
  • gives clients a clear and easy to understand timeline to make informed decisions.

Cost curve

One of the key questions for clients in marine casualty cases, how much will it cost? Well, bMC don’t like to make arbitrary guesses. We have used our experience and understanding of these types of case, blended with  of historical data from past cases to provide a bespoke model to forecast potential costs.

The cost curve module:

  • is based on a model designed specifically for SalvageApp and for the benefit of bMC clients. The model utilises years of experience in marine casualty cases from bMC’s expert staff.
  • gives users a greater understanding of the potential costs of a project right from the outset and as the project evolves.
  • generates a cost forecast that is based on current spend and project schedule.
  • provides a tool to allow project scenarios to be compared and evaluated and assessments on the financial ramifications of any technical options to be made.

Risk – A tool for the identification and collaborative mitigation of project risk

Risks are a part of life, they are certainly a part of every marine casualty project. We can’t remove the risks but what we can do is ensure those risks have been thoroughly identified, carefully considered and reasonably controlled with robust, commensurate mitigations that help to reduce the risks to a tolerable level.

The risk module:

  • provides a comprehensive register of project risks to allow all stakeholders to understand the risk environment.
  • allows stakeholder to enter, review and comment upon risks and controls in a transparent and collaborative manner
  • displays the summary of risks in a matrix for rapid assessment
  • is based upon a simple structure drawn from bMC’s exeperince in the industry to give the most pragmatic, tailor-made solution to each project

For further information about SalvageApp or any of the modules, please get in touch.


For more information on SalvageApp please get in touch with the bMC GROUP.
Contacting us is easy:

Just send an email to
Or give us a call: +49 (40) 375 033 90

and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Frequently asked questions

What does SalvageApp do?
  • SalvageApp manages the flow of key project information and allows all involved parties to have quick and easy access to pertinent information as a project progresses
  • SalvageApp provides a central location for information that is generated in a case or contract
  • SalvageApp allows simple and transparent access to information. Access can be tailored for each individual party
  • SalvageApp includes modules tailored to the fast moving, complex nature of salvage and wreck removal operations to assist stakeholders to make informed decisions
  • SalvageApp provides a collaborative environment to rapidly and effectively address disagreements and reach consensus for the benefits of all parties involved
Who can use SalvageApp?
  • SalvageApp is for the exclusive use of bMC GROUP clients. Get in touch with us about your next project
  • Once established for a project – access to that specific project is provided for all stakeholders as required
What advantages would it give us?
  • Improved information flow during complex marine claims cases
  • Fast and easy access to information relevant to the case
  • Clear and comprehensive cost review
  • Cost prediction modeling based on decades of experience with similar incidents
  • A register of project risks and a collaborative approach to addressing these
How much does it cost to use SalvageApp?
  • SalvageApp is a tool created for the use of bMC GROUP clients
  • Use of SalvageApp is complimentary to bMC GROUP clients
Can I arrange a demonstration of SalvageApp to better understand the system and its benefits?